WORK TIMEMon – Fri: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
WORK TIMEMon – Fri: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
1 x 1.2 feet bucket containing media (Peat moss Compost) with plant/ seed/ seedling.
1.5 x 1feet containing media (Peat moss Compost) with plant/ seed/ seedling.
3 x 3 x 0.3 feet ready to grow pallet with media (Peat moss Compost) and seeds or seedlings.
3 feet long, reusable, grow bags filled with peat moss. Contain holes for excess water drainage. Portable and best for growing shallow-rooted plants like leafy vegetables. Perfect for roof gardening solutions.
5x2x1 feet wooden container with:
Available on Demand
2×1.5×1 feet Thermopore Box with growing media and seeds/ seedlings.
1.5×1.5 feet tyre with growing media and plants.
Pallet with hanging containers having peat moss and compost with plants or seedlings.